Kids, Robots and Eye Exams: Making Needed Medical Testing Fun

<<  Back to Project List Waitlist OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... Eye imaging in pediatric patients is notoriously difficult but is essential for screening, diagnosis, and management of pediatric eye diseases. Patient participation and cooperation are...

Roleplaying Realities Lab

<<  Back to Project List Waitlist OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... The Roleplaying Realities platform will be a dedicated space for performers, creative technologists, game developers, writers, and grassroots activists to come together and simulate more...

Deep Drawing

<<  Back to Project List Waitlist OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... Deep Drawing centers on the creative use of AI in intermedia performance. Using the live audio input captured from the human performer’s drawing/writing, the AI performer generates a...

Visual Art and Performance for Social Justice and Self-Healing

OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... The Visual Art and Performance for Social Justice and Self-Healing is a part of a multilayered approach, led by social work Professor Rogério M. Pinto, to advance critical consciousness and social liberation through research and...