2017 Best in Time-Based Art – Jerry Arlen Jones Jerry Arlen · Orchestral: The Big Bang (2017 Science As Art Winner) The Big Bang The Big Bang is my attempt to convey the early conditions of the universe melodically. To achieve this, I scored with a combination...
2017 Honorable Mention – Bianca Gallina Time: An Epoch Connection As a dancer I am influenced by my experiences and surroundings. An area that often captivates my interest is viewing the world through a geologic lense. From fiery beginnings to cycles of ice...
2016 Best in Video/Animation – Troy Morgan & Sarika Tyagi A Brief History of the Universe Sarika Tyagi: Science as a concept has always enchanted me. It is the art of knowing–the study of answers. It’s difficult not to look up at the night sky, and...
2016 Best in Video/Audio – Abrielle Cacciaglia The Light of Evolution “Seen in the light of evolution, biology is, perhaps, intellectually the most satisfying and inspiring science. Without that light it becomes a pile of sundry facts some of them interesting...
2016 Honorable Mention – Dylan Hancook The Art of Touch The somasatosensory system is one of the five traditional senses of the central nervous system which includes the sensations of light touch, pain, pressure, temperature, and tension. They are grouped by...