The Amazing Adventures of Bubbles, Stars, and Waves Brandon Patterson (CoE) Our project centers on creating a children’s book that, through an illustrated story themed around the research topics of two engineering graduate students, will engaging children’s...
Cadenza Omid Torghabehi (Architecture + Urban Planning) The Cadenza is a prefabricated performance space, coupled with a digital platform. A corresponding digital platform in which performers and organizations can request to use Cadenza will allow performers to upload...
The Alzheimer Project Alireza Seyedahmadian (Architecture + Urban Planning) The Alzheimer Project is an interactive installation with the purpose of creating an atmospheric experience for creating empathy and awareness towards Alzheimer patients. Alzheimer is a...
Terror from the Air Gideon Schwartzman (Architecture + Urban Planning) Terror in the Air aims to chronologically depict a century of conflict, from 1915-2015, through the interdisciplinary lens of history, art, urban planning, and the primary focus of architecture....
Design Forum: Walls of Inclusion Competition Jonathan Hanna (Architecture + Urban Planning) Design Forum: Walls of Inclusion Competition is an interdisciplinary design competition that attempts to make evident the effects of ethics and politics on design practice, to...