
Funding is available through ArtsEngine to students in a variety of ways. It is unlikely that a student would receive funding for the same project from multiple sources so please read below to determine which grant program is the best fit for you. If you have questions or would like input or feedback prior to applying, please contact us to set up a consultation.

Student MicroGrant

Open to Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Student MicroGrants award up to $1,500 in support of interdisciplinary student projects which incorporate the arts as a central theme or component. Preference will be given to projects that engage at least two collaborators from at least two different schools and colleges.

  • Main grant applicant must belong to one of ArtsEngine’s sponsoring colleges (Stamps, Taubman, SMTD, Engineering, or UMSI), but collaborators can be from any U-M unit.
  • Current undergraduate and graduate students from U-M may apply.
  • Individuals or groups may apply – though preference will be given to projects with at least two collaborators from different schools/disciplines.
  • Student organizations may apply but may be better suited to apply for our student organization funding program. It is unlikely the organization would be supported through more than one ArtsEngine funding mechanism.
  • Project must be interdisciplinary (involving more than one discipline), with art as a primary focus. This may include projects that involve visual arts, design, architecture, literary arts, theatre, dance, film, performance and music.
  • A wide spectrum of involved disciplines is encouraged (i.e. engineering and dance; biology and music, etc.)
  • Project component funded by ArtsEngine must be realized by June 2025.
  • Project should demonstrate campus and/or local community impact.
  • Projects are expected to be student-led, although faculty and staff can participate as team members.

*We do not typically offer funding more than once through the Student MicroGrant program for the same project.*

Not sure if your project will qualify for funding? Take a look at some sample projects that do not qualify for funding to understand what we’re looking for. Still have questions? Please contact us via email to schedule a time to meet.

2023-2024 Review Committee

  • Tom Bray, Converging Technologies Consultant, Digital Media Commons, Duderstadt Center
  • Melissa Coppola, Program Manager, EXCEL Lab, School of Music, Theatre & Dance
  • Lawryn Fellwock, Student Engagement Program Coordinator, Center for Socially Engaged Design
  • Chris Gordon, Director, Wilson Student Team Project Center
  • John Granzow, Faculty Director, ArtsEngine; Performing Arts Technology
  • Chrisstina Hamilton, Director, Penny Stamps Speaker Series; Roman Witt Visiting Artist Programs
  • Zan Huang, Student – School of Music, Theatre & Dance; Living ArtsEngine Peer Mentor
  • Joe Levickas, Program Director, Arts Initiative
  • John Luther, Career Development Coordinator, Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design
  • Deb Mexicotte, Managing Director, ArtsEngine
  • Brendan Nestle, Student – College of Engineering; Living ArtsEngine Peer Mentor
  • Charleson Shuart, Student – College of Engineering; Living ArtsEngine Peer Mentor
  • Jamie Lausch Vander Broek, Librarian, Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design, Art & Design
  • Elayne Vaughn, Graduate Recruiting and Admissions Coordinator, Taubman College of Architecture + Urban Planning

You may save the application at any time and return later to finish if needed; we encourage you to have the following information ready. Here is the PDF version of the application: Student-MicroGrant-Application-2024-25.


  • Preference will be given to projects with at least two collaborators from different schools/colleges. Have an idea who you want to collaborate with but need help finding someone to fit that role? Consider submitting your idea to our find a collaborator tool.
  • If you do not have collaborators but are working with an advisor (e.g. faculty) from a different school/college, make sure to list that information as well.

Grant Narrative

  • How is the project interdisciplinary and why will this approach be appropriate for your project?
  • How do the arts play a role in your project?
  • If this is a group project, how will you address benefits and challenges of this interdisciplinary collaboration?
  • How do you anticipate carrying out the project? Explain the general timeline and describe team member responsibilities.
  • What is the expected impact on campus and/or the local community?
  • What skills do you (and your collaborators) have that will allow you to complete this project?

Project Budget

  • List all expenses and indicate those that ArtsEngine funds will cover
  • Include secured funding from other sources

Supporting Materials

  • Be ready to attach docs or links that help demonstrate the merit of your project (i.e. drawings, videos, advertisements, etc.).

If you apply and are not selected during the first or second round, you may receive feedback and an offer for a consultation and suggestion to reapply for future funding cycle(s) so plan ahead!

  • Round I: application deadline is Friday, September 27, 2024 (Notification by October 11)
  • Round II: application deadline is Wednesday, November 20, 2024 (Notification by December 6)
  • Round III: application deadline is Friday, February 7, 2025 (Notification by February 16)

If you apply and are not selected during the first or second round, you may receive feedback and an offer for a consultation and suggestion to reapply for future funding cycle(s) so plan ahead!

Arts Integrative Interdisciplinary Research (AiiR) Grant

Open to Graduate Students

Arts Integrative Interdisciplinary Research (AiiR) Grants support graduate student research projects that integrate the arts or design with other disciplines, especially those in engineering and the sciences. Individual grants up to $3,000 can support existing research efforts as well as new areas of inquiry.

Graduate students are eligible to apply if they are in good academic standing and are currently enrolled in any graduate degree granting program (inclusive of, but not limited to MA, MFA, MM, DMA, EdD, or PhD) and actively progressing toward that degree in one of the ArtsEngine schools/colleges (A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture + Urban Planning; College of Engineering; Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design; School of Information; School of Music, Theatre & Dance) at the University of Michigan.

  • Interdisciplinary in scope, with art or design as a central tenet
  • Relevant to and significant for advancing disciplinary practices, perceptions, or capabilities in the domains represented in the proposal
  • Connected to the applicant’s career goals and professional development
  • Demonstrates a clear and coherent rationale for conducting the research
  • Connected to a line of inquiry that builds on what others have done previously
  • Articulates potential impacts beyond the specific domains and communities directly involved in the research
  • Demonstration of necessary skills and qualifications to execute the project, or a plan to consult or work with others with the skills and qualifications needed
  • Budget reflects necessary resources and good judgement about what is needed for the activities proposed

Allowable expenses for this research grant include, but are not limited to:

  • Transcriptions
  • Subject fees
  • Programming or research assistance
  • Project presentation conference fees
  • Supplies
  • Room and Equipment Rentals
  • Performer/ Honoraria stipends (exclusive of researcher)
  • Specialized software or equipment
  • Printing and Fabrication
  • Food/Catering
  • New, additional or extending work on existing research
  • Travel specifically associated with the research

Ineligible expenses include:

  • Research/travel expenses not directly related to this specific project
  • Retroactive expenses for completed modules and projects
  • U-M tuition or fees
  • Personal living or emergency expenses
  • Activities associated with a course or other credit bearing activities related to coursework
  • Books, materials, or equipment available through U-M lending or loan programs
  • Materials for degree defense preparation, or connected to degree requirements

Applicants will submit a “letter of intent” (LOI), briefly describing the project research. Here is the PDF version of the LOI: AiiR-Grant-LOI-Form-2024-25. If invited to continue, they will submit a full proposal (of no more than 1500 words), a project budget and a letter of support from a faculty advisor within two weeks. Applicants are encouraged to submit any relevant literature, citations, precedents, prior work, or other documentation that will help the committee understand the impact and rationale for the project. Because the committee is drawn from faculty among the ArtsEngine schools and colleges, proposals should be written for a broader audience and should emphasize the relevance of each contributing discipline to the novel interdisciplinary outcome.

The submitted detailed project budget should reflect the described project activities, and should include any other requested or acquired funding sources. If the anticipated cost for the overall project exceeds the request, please indicate what portions this grant will fund and what funds will be used to complete the project. A budget template has been included in the online application for your use.

Applicants may apply for funds multiple times per academic year, but may only receive one grant over any July 1-June 30 period. Students may also apply to fund additional parts of the originally funded project if research goals/milestones were compartmentalized, expanded, or extended.

Applicants may be invited to consult with ArtsEngine to adjust and re-submit their application if the project is determined to be fundable with reasonable changes or additional information.

LOI Deadline LOI Notification Application Deadline Award Notification
September 20, 2024 October 4, 2024 October 11, 2024 October 25, 2024
October 25, 2024 November 8, 2024 November 15, 2024 December 6, 2024
January 17, 2025 January 31, 2025 February 7, 2025 February 21, 2025

Interdisciplinary Visiting Scholar Grant

Open to U-M Instructional and Research Faculty – Ann Arbor

Interdisciplinary Visiting Scholar Grants encourage the inclusion of guest artists, instructors, or practitioners from outside the primary course discipline. In general, this means someone who would not typically be appointed to teach in your school or college (so a sculptor in a drawing class would not typically qualify, neither would a mechanical engineer in a chemical engineering class. However, a musician in a mechanical engineering class would meet this baseline criteria). Exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Grants up to $1,000 are available to any faculty member or instructor appointed in one of the ArtsEngine schools/colleges.

Grants are available to any faculty member or instructor appointed in one of the ArtsEngine schools/colleges (A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture + Urban Planning; College of Engineering; Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design; School of Information; School of Music, Theatre & Dance).

Arts or design must be represented, either in the primary course discipline or in the discipline of the visiting scholar. 

Grant applications are accepted year-round on a monthly rolling basis, with the first of each month serving as an application deadline. Grant award decisions will be communicated by the 15th of each month following the application deadline.

Additional Funding Opportunities

List of student arts funding on campus.

Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities

a2ru offers Student Travel Grants, open to any undergraduate or graduate student currently attending a partner institution who would like to attend either an annual a2ru conference, the Emerging Creatives Student Summit, or any other a2ru event or workshop. a2ru Student Travel Grants of up to $250 will be awarded.

The a2ru Scholars Program is open to undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff who both demonstrate an interest in pursuing interdisciplinary study, research, and practice at a2ru partner institutions and meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Are from an educational, cultural, or geographic background that is underrepresented at a2ru gatherings.
  • Have demonstrated a sustained commitment to reducing social, educational, and/or economic disparities based on ability, ethnicity, gender, race, or sexuality in the academic, professional, or civic realm. This commitment can be demonstrated through a scholar’s work and research experience, volunteer engagement, or leadership of student and/or community organizations.
  • Have experienced financial hardship as a result of personal or family economic circumstances.
  • Are first-generation U.S. citizens or are the first generation in their families to attend a four-year college.

Arts at Michigan

A Student Mini-Grant (SMG) is a monetary grant of up to $1000 to support student-led arts initiatives. Any undergraduate U-M student can apply for a grant for their own project, or as part of an undergraduate student organization. Check out the FAQs and SMG Guidelines for more detail about the program.

Faculty and instructional staff play an integral role in helping students develop their cultural values and their life-long relationship to the arts. Course Connections funding supports faculty and staff who are seeking to incorporate arts-based learning into the curriculum of any undergraduate course at U-M. Students often indicate that their “most meaningful arts experience” at U-M occurred when a professor took the class to see a performance, visit an exhibition, or meet with a visiting artist.

Up to $500 may be obtained through Course Connection grants to support course-related arts learning activities. These funds may be used for admissions to museums and performances, workshops by visiting artists, and course projects, such as theatrical performances, exhibitions, etc. For projects that are integrated into more than one course, funding of up to $800 will be considered. Please note: Grant funds cannot be used to pay for refreshments.

Note: Each faculty member may only apply for project funding twice each semester.

Center for Research on Learning and Teaching

CRLT sponsors competitions for grants to enhance teaching and learning at the University of Michigan. To obtain information about these grants, review the short descriptions provided on this page and click on the individual grant name for more details about each one, including application guidelines. The grants competitions are open to eligible members of the Ann Arbor campus of the University only.

School of Music, Theatre & Dance EXCEL Program

Do you have a project or idea that will advance the performing arts? Does your chamber ensemble want to go pro? Do you want to organize a dance festival or bring new plays to the stage? Maybe you have an idea for a killer smartphone app that will enhance the audience experience?

Whatever your dream, the EXCEL program can help put your ideas into action. We provide $100,000 in funding support annually for current U-M students through three different funding pools.

U-M Library Student Mini Grants

Students can receive up to $1,000 to support innovative and collaborative projects that make a real-life impact. Projects must strengthen community partnerships, enhance global scholarship and/or advocate for diversity and inclusion.

The library is your perfect partner every step of the way — with personalized training and support from library mentors, as well as direct access to world-renowned research collections and state-of-the-art design and technology labs, studios, exhibit galleries, and collaboration spaces.

Living ArtsEngine Internship Funding

Through the generosity of ArtsEngine and Living ArtsEngine Alumni, the Living ArtsEngine Internship program provides students who participated in the Living ArtsEngine Residential Learning Community the opportunity to receive funding for unpaid or underpaid internships. The goal is to assist students with offsetting the cost of living expenses while pursuing an internship experience. Students may be awarded up to $2000 in support of their internship experience.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • The applicant must have participated in the Living ArtsEngine Residential Learning community as a first-year student, Peer Mentor or Residential Advisor.
  • The applicant must be a currently enrolled student at UM, returning in Fall 2024.

Criteria for Internships:

  • The internship experience must be aligned with discipline(s) from the 5 north campus schools and colleges. 
  • The Internship experience must be relevant to the applicant’s career goals and professional development.
  • Preference is given to internships that provide a hands-on learning experience.
  • The experience should be guided by demonstrated professionals.
  • Interdisciplinary and team experience is a plus.

All applications should include the following:

Personal statement

  • Provide a one paragraph statement that expresses why you are interested in this internship and how it relates to your career growth.


  • Provide a detailed budget and proposed usage of funds (housing, transportation etc).
  • Include information of other existing funding sources.

Review and Notification:

All applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis by the Living ArtsEngine Alumni Board March 15th – April 30th.

Students will be notified of their status within 2 weeks of the application deadline. Applying early is recommended before programming funding is expended.

**Financial aid packages may be affected for students currently enrolled for classes during the Internship period. Contact the ArtsEngine office for assistance.**

Application Deadlines:

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, March 15th – April 30th.

Spring/Summer 2025 early decision due date: Friday, March 14th. 

Notification Date: Friday March 28th

Spring/Summer 2025 Friday, April 18th

Notification Date: Friday, May 2nd