2021 Honorable Mention – Nicholas Warren Cellular Automata Terrain Sequencer Medium: Video Cellular automata are matrices of cells that follow simple, discrete rules to manage how they evolve. Most typically, these matrices are displayed as a grid of pixels,...
2021 Best in Film and Video – Liana Lau Our Forgotten Ancestor: Fish Medium: Origami stop-motion video The geologic timeline has seen a significant evolution of multi-cellular life, starting around the Phanerozoic eon up until modern day in the Holocene eon. The...
2021 Honorable Mention – Dana Pierangeli Read Full Play When the Sun Goes Dark Medium: 65-minute Play The focus of this piece is of course the science behind what would occur if the sun went dark, but more importantly to explore human experiences. In the...
2021 Best in Literary Arts – Brenna Goss Threatened Loons The loon ruffles her feathersbeads of water slipping off their oiled sheenlike raindrops on a window,that moment when gravity stakes its claimand their grip on the glass slips. She dives, webbed feet...
2021 Honorable Mention – Samuel Uribe-Botero nino · Art As Science Piece (A Primer For Memories) A Primer for Memory Medium: Audio Sleep takes up so much of our life, and yet we know very little about its functions. It is believed to promote cellular...