<< Back to Project List Waitlist OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... Eye imaging in pediatric patients is notoriously difficult but is essential for screening, diagnosis, and management of pediatric eye diseases. Patient participation and cooperation are...
<< Back to Project List Waitlist OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... The Roleplaying Realities platform will be a dedicated space for performers, creative technologists, game developers, writers, and grassroots activists to come together and simulate more...
<< Back to Project List Application Closed OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... In traditional sport and entertainment settings, players with mobility disabilities typically do not have opportunities to engage in physical play with their peers without...
OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... Studio JOY draws upon interventionist art practices and psychologist Victor Frankl’s logotherapy as a form of activism, meaning-making, and critical engagement. Interventionist art practices are in the spirit of culture jamming....
OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... The voice is an ancient technology. Movement and change are inevitable. Making meaningful marks and gestures represent intentionality, meaning, identity and story. It is an ancient technology, and exists in conjunction with bodies...