22/26 Midwest: A New Approach to Net Zero Buildings in Michigan

<<  Back to Project List Apply Now OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... Have you ever wanted to safe the environment by reducing the energy demand of the built environment? Imagine a building that has almost no impact to the environment during building operation...

Shadow Catching

<<  Back to Project List Apply Now OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... This UARTS Faculty Engineering/Arts Student Team (FEAST) will work collaboratively on an interdisciplinary exploration of shadows. Pachikara’s art installations have long involved the novel...

Identifying Endangered Plant Species Using Unmanned Air Vehicles

<<  Back to Project List Apply Now OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... This UARTS FEAST team will design an aerospace vehicle system for endangered plant species detection and monitoring for the University of Michigan’s Matthaei Botanical Gardens. Some of the...

1001++ (Magical Technologies)

OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... 1001++ (Magical Technologies) is a series of artistic inquiries inspired by Arthur C. Clarke’s 3rd law, “[a]ny sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” This lens allows us to re-examine folk narratives not...