Creative Campus Voting Project: Voting Party in a Box
Stephanie Rowden & Hannah Smotrich (Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design)
Collaborators: Gillian Eaton, Assistant Professor Theatre – School of Music, Theatre & Dance; Andy Kirshner, Associate Professor – School of Music, Theatre & Dance; Edie Goldenberg, Professor of Public Policy, Professor of Political Science – Ford School of Public Policy
This project will develop and test the impact of a COVID-safe creative intervention to educate students and encourage participation in the 2020 election. We will be designing and producing both an analog and digital “Voting Party in a Box” – a college-voting-specific kit that allows students to gather in small, COVID-appropriate groups to learn about and celebrate voting. As part of the national, non-partisan network mobilizing for November 3 – and the likely focus on vote-by-mail – we recognize the particular need for creative responses in this extraordinary time.
SparkVotes Initiative Clarifies and Celebrates the Voting Process
In this year of uncertainty, at least one thing remains sure: students will need to navigate how to vote in November’s election.
Creative Campus Voting Project Wins Design Award
Associate Professors Stephanie Rowden and Hannah Smotrich were recognized in the 2021 SEGD Global Design Awards for their Ann Arbor City Clerk’s Satellite Office.