A Million Words
Josh Dukes – Peer Mentor, College of Engineering; Taylor Splingaire – Peer Mentor, College of Engineering; Sarah Gery, Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design; Alyssa Wilcome, Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design; Joseph McGuire, College of Engineering; Adam Lenhart, LS&A; Samuel Russel, College of Engineering; Hannah Powell, Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design; Pedro Fonseca, School of Information and LS&A
For our project, each group member made their own word art to visually depict a subject that they thought it was remarkable. Our approaches were somewhat varied: some of us used Photoshop or another software to overlay text on top of an image, while others opted to hand-draw or paint it. Each image is made out of our own words, either in the form of a story, or multiple key words/phrases. In this way, each image is composed of what makes it meaningful or significant to us.
Our inspiration for this project came from the origin of the word remarkable, which stems from the French word remarquer, meaning “take note of.” From this, we came up with our own definition of remarkable: “worthy of writing down,” which helped us arrive at our main theme that anything worth writing down is inherently remarkable. It followed that we should each write about a subject that was important to us, then visualize it in some way. We had many ideas for how to visualize our words, but we chose to use word art because that way, each image is made out of what makes it remarkable.