A Whale’s World Trilogy, Audiovisual Interactive Installations and Performance
Qi Shen, School of Music, Theatre & Dance
Collaborators: Eloysa Zelada, SMTD; Annabella Pailucci, SMTD
Faculty Advisors: Sile O’Modhrain, Associate Professor, SMTD & UMSI; Michael Gurevich, Associate Professor, SMTD; Stephen Rush, SMTD
“A Whale’s World Trilogy” project inherently embraces interdisciplinary collaboration by weaving together human-computer interaction, music, visual arts, biology, and literature. This approach is essential as it facilitates a holistic exploration of the natural world, fostering a rich and immersive experience that transcends conventional disciplinary boundaries. The integration of diverse perspectives guarantees a nuanced and comprehensive portrayal of the subject matter.
The arts serve as the creative catalyst for the “A Whale’s World Trilogy,” playing a pivotal role in crafting a multi-sensory exploration of the natural world. Music functions as a powerful language for emotional expression, enriching the immersive quality of installations and live performances. Visual arts contribute significantly to spatial design, ensuring a cohesive and visually captivating experience. Literature and biology research provide thematic depth, grounding the project in both scientific authenticity and narrative richness.
The project unfolds in carefully planned stages, commencing with conceptualization and design, followed by technology integration, rehearsal, and final execution. The timeline, spanning six months, allows for meticulous planning and execution. Team member responsibilities are distributed based on individual expertise:
- The project lead conceptualizes and designs projects, integrating various technologies to enhance the visual and auditory elements. Proficient in physical computing, interactive music, digital sound synthesis, engineering applications of media technology, music composition, interdisciplinary collaboration, and performance experiences.
- Skilled musicians contribute their expertise in diverse instruments, adding depth to the ensemble.
- Advisors offer guidance and support throughout the project.
The “A Whale’s World Trilogy” project aims for a profound impact on both campus and the professional community. Installations and performances will be accessible to the campus community, providing opportunities for engagement and reflection. The project may extend to external venues, either conferences or festivals. The project seeks to inspire a deeper connection to nature and promote the intersection of science and art.
The team possesses a diverse skill set ensuring the seamless execution of the project. The project lead brings expertise in audiovisual arts, with proficiency in physical computing, interactive music, digital sound synthesis, engineering applications of media technology, music composition, interdisciplinary collaboration, and performance experiences. Musicians contribute mastery in diverse instruments. This harmonious blend of skills guarantees the successful completion of the “A Whale’s World Trilogy.”