Deep Drawing

<<  Back to Project List Waitlist OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... Deep Drawing centers on the creative use of AI in intermedia performance. Using the live audio input captured from the human performer’s drawing/writing, the AI performer generates a...

SMART Lab: Sound and Media Art

<<  Back to Project List Waitlist OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... The SMART (Sound and Media Art) Lab is an artistic research lab where students explore the intersection of art, technology, and science to create sound and media art. We use multidisciplinary...

Visual Art and Performance for Social Justice and Self-Healing

OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... The Visual Art and Performance for Social Justice and Self-Healing is a part of a multilayered approach, led by social work Professor Rogério M. Pinto, to advance critical consciousness and social liberation through research and...

THE BIG CITY: Lost and Found in XR

<<  Back to Project List Waitlist OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... No copies are known to exist of 1928 lost film THE BIG CITY, only still photographs, a cutting continuity, and a detailed scenario of the film. This is truly a shame because the film featured...

Web-First, Accessible Game Engine Development

<<  Back to Project List Application Closed OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... Students will work alongside the faculty project lead for 5-15 hours per week to construct a flexible, expressive, and web-first game engine combining the accessibility and...