2022 Best in Literary – Kate Giffin After rapidly removing the brain, tissue was sliced on a vibratome in an ice-cold sucrose saline solution. we buzzwe cracklewe pass notes on salt packetssaline jolts of happinessopening and closing gates welcoming a storma...
2021 Honorable Mention – Dana Pierangeli Read Full Play When the Sun Goes Dark Medium: 65-minute Play The focus of this piece is of course the science behind what would occur if the sun went dark, but more importantly to explore human experiences. In the...
2021 Best in Literary Arts – Brenna Goss Threatened Loons The loon ruffles her feathersbeads of water slipping off their oiled sheenlike raindrops on a window,that moment when gravity stakes its claimand their grip on the glass slips. She dives, webbed feet...
2020 Honorable Mention – Parvathy Nair Primate social behaviors on The Bachelor A young Jane Goodall in Gombe national park is the classic, glamorous image of field research. Today, much of modern observation is done on camera, and even when in the field, most...
2020 Best Literary Arts – Kelsea Chen flight of the red bird what you feel in your chest is not a heart,but a bird on thunderous wings. their feathers drip a crimson hue,scraping the inside of an ivory cage,a mighty, rhythmic song,echoes off chamber walls,their...