Untold Creations
Kaitlyn Frey
1st Year, College of Engineering
Colored Pencil and Pen
“Untold Creations” represents the unification of seemingly polar pursuits: art and science. Two vastly different perspectives are represented: the macroscopic scientist and microscopic cell. The beauty of the cell is highlighted with vibrant colored pencil and the scientist is formed through scribbles of black pen. The contrast of vibrancy and scribbles draws attention to the cell. Humans are simply made up of these beautiful pieces that together create complex individuals. A scientist is shown peering into the cell, pulling apart DNA and grabbing organelles. This represents the idea of biological engineering, exploring the microscopic scale and creating new realities.
“Untold Creations” represents the unification of my seemingly polar passions: art and science. As someone deeply involved in art, the decision to pursue biomedical engineering was viewed critically. However, I am confident that this field unifies my interests the best, allowing me to apply my creativity to redefine healthcare.
Through this piece, I utilized visual contrast to further the perceived contrast of art and science. Two vastly different perspectives were represented: the macroscopic scientist and microscopic cell. More so, I utilized two very different mediums, colored pencil and black pen, and kept these mediums distinct from each other. I highlighted the beauty of
the cell with vibrant colors and the scientist is formed through scribbles of black pen. The contrast of vibrancy and scribbles draws attention to the cell. We are simply made up of these beautiful pieces that together create our complex selves. My decision to pursue biomedical engineering is one that allows me to step into this unknown microscopic world and explore the beauty it has to offer, while also leaving my creative mark by redesigning biological solutions.
Scientifically, this piece shows the inside of a cell, with DNA and the nucleus, mitochondria, and other organelles present. A scientist is shown peering into the cell, pulling apart DNA and grabbing organelles. While the scale is certainly unrealistic, this represents the idea of biological engineering, where scientists and engineers are exploring the microscopic scale and changing what they find. It is a revolutionary time, where what once was thought impossible is happening in labs all over the world. Yes, this image would not be possible to see the inside of a cell and a person at once, but the idea is very much real. This piece serves to inform people of the essence of biological engineering, and how it is on the limits of perceived reality.
Ultimately, I hope the vibrancy and surreal visuals pulls people into this microscopic world, spreading awareness for the beauty of science!