Kids, Robots and Eye Exams: Making Needed Medical Testing Fun

<<  Back to Project List Waitlist OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... Eye imaging in pediatric patients is notoriously difficult but is essential for screening, diagnosis, and management of pediatric eye diseases. Patient participation and cooperation are...

TAMIE: Trainable Accessible Musical Instruments and Environments

<<  Back to Project List Application Closed OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... For as long as people have been designing digital musical instruments, designers have been thinking about how to make these instruments accessible for people who may struggle to...

The ORBIT Lab: Collaborative Design for Social Change

<<  Back to Project List Application Closed OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... Are you passionate about how design can address global challenges and social issues by creating better connections between people? If so, the ORBIT Labs are looking for you!  We are...

Design for Participation

<<  Back to Project List Waitlist OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... Since 2021, our UARTS Faculty Engineering/Arts Student Team (FEAST) has explored current theories and practices of the design for participation. We are ideating, prototyping, and testing...