Visual Art and Performance for Social Justice and Self-Healing

<<  Back to Project List Apply Now OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... The Visual Art and Performance for Social Justice and Self-Healing is a part of a multilayered approach, led by social work Professor Rogério M. Pinto, to advance critical consciousness and...

Shadow Catching

<<  Back to Project List Apply Now OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... This UARTS Faculty Engineering/Arts Student Team (FEAST) will work collaboratively on an interdisciplinary exploration of shadows. Pachikara’s art installations have long involved the novel...

The ORBIT Lab: Collaborative Design for Social Change

<<  Back to Project List Apply Now OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... Are you passionate about how design can address global challenges and social issues by creating better connections between people? If so, the ORBIT Labs are looking for you!  We are a...

Visualizing Telematic Music

<<  Back to Project List Apply Now OverviewStudent SkillsFacultyMore... Telematic music encompasses a vibrant field of research and practice exploring the aesthetic, technical, and cultural implications of real-time music-making by people in disparate...