Analysis of Principal Components x Demographic Factors

In this notebook, principal components are generated from question topic prevalences and disctionary-based estimates of linguistic patterns — and their relationships to various demographic data are explored through statistical tests.

We used a Principle Components Analysis (PCA) in R (‘prcomp’ function) to integrate multiple variables and conduct an analysis for each question and set of responses. PCA is a multivariate statistical technique that extracts important information about the inter-correlations of multiple variables and re-represents that information as new variables called principle components. These new principle components can then be used to show the similarity and graphic relationships between variables as a way of exploring the data. Because PCA condenses multiple variables into fewer dimensions, the new principle components may also be used to integrate new descriptions of the combined variables. These reified principle components may then be used as covariates to estimate relationships with other variables such as demographic factors.

Twenty-seven dictionary-based variables (LIWC, AIC, and Docuscope) were not relevant and were excluded from the analysis, leaving a total of 221 dictionary-based variables in the PCA. This was in addition to the measures of topic prevalence, which each had different numbers of topic variables depending on the question/response type. In order to remove variables with high numbers of 0s (no observations), we set a 0.3 maximum threshold, leaving variable columns with 70% or more observations in the analysis. The number of responses and variables included for each question in the analysis are provided in Table 1. Because of the different scales used by the different dictionaries and topic measures (for example, topic prevalence is 0-1 while AIC is measured on a scale from 1-7), the PCA was based on a correlation matrix. The data were also centered around zero and rotated.

Load libraries and data


Subset demographic variables

motiv_demos <- df %>% select(contains('sr_motivation')) %>% names
identity_demos <- df %>% select(contains('sr_identity')) %>% names
participation_demos <- df %>% select(all_arts('participation')) %>% select(starts_with('sr')) %>% names
real_demos <- c('ethnic_group', 'sex', 'school', 'parented', 'income', 'artsincollege', 'hstype', 'hssize',
           'hslocation', 'hs_arts_freq', 'hs_encouragement', 'hs_required', 'hs_fees',
           'so_childhood1', 'so_childhood3', 'so_childhood5', 'sr_participated',
demo_groups <- c('real_demos','motiv_demos','identity_demos','participation_demos')
real_demo_prompts <- c(
    'Ethnic Group',
    'Highest Parent\nEducation',
    'Family Income',
    'Prior to beginning college,\ndid you expect to be involved in the arts during college?',
    'High School Type',
    'High School Size',
    'High School Location',
    'How would you rate the frequency\nof your overall involvement\nin arts events and activities during high school?',
    'Were you encouraged by your high school to be involved in the arts?',
    'Were you required by your high school to be involved in the arts?',
    'Was there a fee associated with participation in arts activities at your high school?',
    'Were you involved in the arts during your childhood?',
    'During your childhood, did your parents sign you up for art classes of any kind?',
    'During your childhood, did your parents talk to you about the arts?',
    'Arts Participation Senior Year',
    'What is the\nhighest academic degree\nthat you intend on obtaining?'

Define helper functions

# Used within the mergeQuestion function to merge variable names
stripnames <- function(data, question) {
    data <- data %>% select('rownums', starts_with(question))
    varnames <- names(data)
    newnames <- varnames
    for (i in seq(3, length(varnames))) {
        newnames[i] <- substr(varnames[i], gregexpr("\\.\\.", varnames[i])[[1]][1]+2, nchar(varnames[i]))
    names(data) <- newnames

# Remove irrelavant variables
stripVars <- function(data) {
    removenames <- names(data %>% select(matches("AIC..Words|AIC..IC_Differentiation|AIC..IC_Integration|AIC..DIAL_Differentiation|AIC..DIAL_Integration|AIC..ELAB_Differentiation|AIC..ELAB_Integration|docuscope..OralCues|docuscope..DialogCues|docuscope..XWordTokens|docuscope..XPunctuationTokens|docuscope..XTokens|LIWC..WC|LIWC..Sixltr|LIWC..Dic|LIWC..WPS|LIWC..swear|LIWC..netspeak|LIWC..assent|LIWC..nonflu|LIWC..filler|LIWC..AllPunc|LIWC..Period|LIWC..Comma|LIWC..Colon|LIWC..SemiC|LIWC..QMark|LIWC..Exclam|LIWC..Dash|LIWC..Quote|LIWC..Apostro|LIWC..Parenth|LIWC..OtherP")))
    data <- data[ , !names(data) %in% removenames]

# Merges responses between years
mergeQuestion <- function(data, question) {
    if (substr(question, 3,3) == '_') {
        question <- substr(question, 4, nchar(question))
    # if you're aware of other prefixes, add them here
    yrs <- c(NA,'fl','f1','f2','so','jr','sr','sl')
    data$rownums <- seq(nrow(data)) # add rownums so resulting data can be re-integrated
    mergeddf <- data.frame()
    for (yr in yrs) {
        if (question == 'definition' &&
            qyr <- question
        else if (
        else {
            qyr <- paste0(yr, '_', question)
        if (data %>% select(starts_with(qyr)) %>% ncol == 0) { next }
        tempdf <- stripnames(data, qyr)
        names(tempdf)[2] <- question
        mergeddf <- bind_rows(mergeddf, tempdf)        
    mergeddf <- mergeddf[complete.cases(mergeddf),]
    mergeddf <- mergeddf %>% stripVars
    rownames(mergeddf) <- c()

Density Plots

# Filter demographics to those within min & max levels (inclusive) into small_demos variable
min = 2
max = 5
temp <- demodfpcs %>% sapply(function(x)(x %>% levels %>% length)) %>%
temp$demo <- rownames(temp)
temp <- temp %>% filter(. >= min & max >= .)
small_demos <- temp %>% pull(demo)

dir_to_save_results = './results'
plot_type = 'density_plots' # plural
output_format = '.png' # with dot

dir.create(dir_to_save_results, showWarnings = F)
# for all stm'd questions
for(question in question_names[-c(4:6,9:14)]) {
    dir.create(paste(dir_to_save_results, question, sep = '/'), showWarnings = F)
    # data subsetting, PC creation
    data_subset <- mergeQuestion(df, question)
    data_subset_rows <- data_subset[[1]]
    data_subset <- data_subset[-1]
    data_subset <- data_subset[-1]
    percent <- 0.4
    data_subset <- data_subset[ lapply( data_subset, function(x) sum(x==0) / length(x) ) < percent ]
    # principal component generation
    pd <- prcomp(data_subset, retx= TRUE, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)

    # merge PCs with demographic cols
    pcs <- data.frame(rownum = data_subset_rows, pd$x[,seq(5)] %>%
    rownums <- pcs$rownum %>% sort
    pcs <- pcs %>% arrange(rownum)
    pcs <- pcs[-1]
    demodfpcs <- bind_cols(df[rownums,c('key',real_demos)], pcs)

    # weighting by # of responses per respondent
    resps_by_key <- demodfpcs$key %>% table %>%
    names(resps_by_key) <- c('key','n')
    resps_by_key %<>% filter(n!=0)
    for(r in seq(nrow(demodfpcs))) {
        nresps <- resps_by_key %>% filter(key == demodfpcs[r,]$key) %>% .$n
        demodfpcs[r, names(select(demodfpcs,matches('PC[12345]')))] <- (1/nresps) *
                                                        (demodfpcs[r, names(select(demodfpcs,matches('PC[12345]')))])
    # separate PCs and demographics
    demodfpcs <- demodfpcs %>% select(-'key')
    demodf <- demodfpcs %>% select(-matches('PC[12345]'))
    pcs <- demodfpcs %>% select(matches('PC[12345]'))
    # plotting (by PC)
    for(p in seq(pcs)) {
        # combine individual PC with demographics
        temp <- bind_cols(pcs[p], demodf)
        names(temp) <- c("pc", names(temp)[-1])
        # for each demographic...
        for(d in seq(small_demos)) {
            mu <- temp %>% na.omit %>% group_by_at(vars(small_demos[d])) %>%

            ggplot(na.omit(demodfpcs), aes_string(x=names(pcs)[p], fill=small_demos[d])) +
                geom_density(alpha=0.4) +
                xlim(round(na.omit(pcs[[p]]) %>% summary %>% tidy %>% .$minimum)-0.5, 
                     round(na.omit(pcs[[p]]) %>% summary %>% tidy %>% .$maximum)+.5) +
                geom_vline(data=mu, aes_string(xintercept='grp.median', color=names(mu)[1]),
                         linetype="dashed") +
                labs(subtitle=paste0('pos-x: ', pca_labels %>% 
                      filter(question_name==question) %>% 
                      select(matches(paste0(p,'_pos'))) %>%
                      pull %>% as.character,
                     '\nneg-x: ', pca_labels %>% 
                      filter(question_name==question) %>% 
                      select(matches(paste0(p,'_neg'))) %>%
                      pull %>% as.character)) +
                theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(size=10))

            # saving
            dir.create(paste(dir_to_save_results, question, names(pcs)[p], sep='/'), showWarnings = F)
            dir.create(paste(dir_to_save_results, question, names(pcs)[p], plot_type,sep='/'), showWarnings = F)
            ggsave(paste(dir_to_save_results, question, names(pcs)[p], plot_type, 
                         paste0(small_demos[d], output_format),sep='/'), 
                   width = 5, height=4)

Marginal Plots

dir.create('./results', showWarnings = F)
for(question in question_names[-c(4:6,9:14,16)]) {
    # directories
    dir.create(paste('./results', question, sep = '/'), showWarnings = F)
    # data subsetting, PC
    data_subset <- mergeQuestion(df, question)
    data_subset_rows <- data_subset[[1]]
    data_subset <- data_subset[-1]
    data_subset <- data_subset[-1]
    percent <- 0.4
    data_subset <- data_subset[ lapply( data_subset, function(x) sum(x==0) / length(x) ) < percent ]
    pd <- prcomp(data_subset, retx= TRUE, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)

    # merge with demographic cols
    pcs <- data.frame(rownum = data_subset_rows, pd$x[,seq(5)] %>%
    rownums <- pcs$rownum %>% sort
    pcs <- pcs %>% arrange(rownum)
    pcs <- pcs[-1]
    demodfpcs <- bind_cols(df[rownums,c('key',real_demos)], pcs)

    # weighting by # of responses per respondent
    resps_by_key <- demodfpcs$key %>% table %>%
    names(resps_by_key) <- c('key','n')
    resps_by_key %<>% filter(n!=0)
    for(r in seq(nrow(demodfpcs))) {
        nresps <- resps_by_key %>% filter(key == demodfpcs[r,]$key) %>% .$n
        demodfpcs[r, names(select(demodfpcs,matches('PC[12345]')))] <- (1/nresps) *
                                                            (demodfpcs[r, names(select(demodfpcs,matches('PC[12345]')))])
    demodfpcs <- demodfpcs %>% select(-'key')
    demodf <- demodfpcs %>% select(-matches('PC[12345]'))
    pcs <- demodfpcs %>% select(matches('PC[12345]'))

    # analysis
    for(p in c(1,3)) {
        # directories
        cur_dir <- paste('./results', question, paste0('pc', p, '_pc', p+1, '_marginal_plots'), sep = '/')
        dir.create(cur_dir, showWarnings = F)
        for(d in seq(demodf)) {
            temp <- bind_cols(pcs[p], pcs[p+1], demodf[d])
            names(temp) <- c(paste0('pc0'),paste0('pc00'),'demo') # for easier ggplot column selection
            if((temp$demo %>% table %>% %>% filter(Freq != 0) %>% nrow) == 1) next

            pca_idx <- 0
            if (p == 1) {
                pca_idx <- 2
            if (p == 3) {
                pca_idx <- 6
            # hexbins
            plot <- ggplot(temp %>% na.omit, aes(x=pc0, y=pc00, color=demo)) + geom_point(alpha=4/10) +
              labs(color=real_demo_prompts[d]) +
              theme(legend.position = "bottom", text = element_text(size=22)) +
              xlab(paste0(as.character(filter(pca_labels, question_name == question)[[pca_idx+1]]),
                 ' (-) v. ',
                 as.character(filter(pca_labels,question_name == question)[[pca_idx]]), ' (+)')) +
              ylab(paste0(as.character(filter(pca_labels,question_name == question)[[pca_idx+3]]),
                 ' (-) v. ',
                 as.character(filter(pca_labels,question_name == question)[[pca_idx+2]]), ' (+)'))
            if ((question == 'sr_othergrowth' || question == 'sr_society') && p == 1) {
                plot <- plot + xlab(paste0(as.character(filter(pca_labels,question_name == question)$pc1_neg),
                 ' (-) v.\n',
                 as.character(filter(pca_labels,question_name == question)$pc1_pos), ' (+)'))
            plot <- ggMarginal(plot, type='density', groupColour=TRUE)
            size <- 1248
            if (d == 3) { # school index
                size <- size * 1.5
            png(paste0(cur_dir, '/pc', p, '_pc', p+1, '_', demodf[d] %>% names, '.png'), width = size, height = size, units = "px")


sig_contrasts.demos <- c()
sig_aov_posthoc <- c()
dir.create('./results', showWarnings = F)
for(question in question_names[-c(4:6,9:14)]) {
    # directories
    dir.create(paste('./results', question, sep = '/'), showWarnings = F)
    # data subsetting
    data_subset <- mergeQuestion(df, question)
    data_subset_rows <- data_subset[[1]]
    data_subset <- data_subset[-1]
    data_subset <- data_subset[-1]
    percent <- 0.4
    data_subset <- data_subset[ lapply( data_subset, function(x) sum(x==0) / length(x) ) < percent ]
    # generate principal components
    pd <- prcomp(data_subset, retx= TRUE, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)

    # merge with demographic cols
    pcs <- data.frame(rownum = data_subset_rows, pd$x[,seq(5)] %>%
    rownums <- pcs$rownum %>% sort
    pcs <- pcs %>% arrange(rownum)
    pcs <- pcs[-1]
    demodfpcs <- bind_cols(df[rownums,c('key',real_demos)], pcs)

    # weighting by # of responses per respondent
    # ( each respondent has up to 4 responses per question, and each response is given a weight between 1/4 and 1 )
    resps_by_key <- demodfpcs$key %>% table %>%
    names(resps_by_key) <- c('key','n')
    resps_by_key %<>% filter(n!=0)
    for(r in seq(nrow(demodfpcs))) {
        nresps <- resps_by_key %>% filter(key == demodfpcs[r,]$key) %>% .$n
        demodfpcs[r, names(select(demodfpcs,matches('PC[12345]')))] <- (1/nresps) *
                                                            (demodfpcs[r, names(select(demodfpcs,matches('PC[12345]')))])
    demodfpcs <- demodfpcs %>% select(-'key')
    demodf <- demodfpcs %>% select(-matches('PC[12345]'))
    pcs <- demodfpcs %>% select(matches('PC[12345]'))

    # analysis
    for(p in seq(pcs)) {
        # creating directories
        dir.create(paste('./results', question, names(pcs)[p], sep = '/'), showWarnings = F)
        dir.create(paste('./results', question, names(pcs)[p], 'emmeans', sep = '/'), showWarnings = F)
        dir.create(paste('./results', question, names(pcs)[p], 'anova_tukey', sep = '/'), showWarnings = F)
        for(d in seq(demodf)) {
            temp <- bind_cols(pcs[p], demodf[d])
            names(temp) <- c('pc','demo')
            if((temp$demo %>% table %>% %>% filter(Freq != 0) %>% nrow) == 1) next

            # emmeans contrasts
            lm.out <- lm(pc ~ demo, data=temp, na.action = na.exclude)
            em.out <- emmeans(lm.out, ~ demo, data=temp, weights = 'proportional')
            contrast.out <- contrast(em.out, method="del.eff") %>% tidy

            contrast.out$p.value %<>% p.adjust(method='holm')
            contrast.out %<>% mutate(question_name=question,
                                        PC_num = paste0('PC',p), 
                                        PC_pos = pca_labels %>% 
                                                  filter(question_name==question) %>% 
                                                  select(matches(paste0(p,'_pos'))) %>%
                                                  pull %>% as.character,
                                        PC_neg = pca_labels %>% 
                                                  filter(question_name==question) %>% 
                                                  select(matches(paste0(p,'_neg'))) %>%
                                                  pull %>% as.character,
                                        demographic = names(demodf)[d]

            # anova tukey
            aov.out <- aov(pc ~ demo, data=temp) %>% TukeyHSD %>% tidy
            aov.out %<>% select(-term) %>% mutate(question_name=question,
                                        PC_num = paste0('PC',p), 
                                        PC_pos = pca_labels %>% 
                                                  filter(question_name==question) %>% 
                                                  select(matches(paste0(p,'_pos'))) %>%
                                                  pull %>% as.character,
                                        PC_neg = pca_labels %>% 
                                                  filter(question_name==question) %>% 
                                                  select(matches(paste0(p,'_neg'))) %>%
                                                  pull %>% as.character,
                                        demographic = names(demodf)[d]
            # bind rows
            sig_contrasts.demos %<>% bind_rows(contrast.out)
            sig_aov_posthoc %<>% bind_rows(aov.out)
            # write csvs
            write.csv(contrast.out, paste('./results',question,names(pcs)[p],'emmeans',paste0(names(demodf)[d],'.csv'),sep='/'))
            write.csv(aov.out, paste('./results',question,names(pcs)[p],'anova_tukey',paste0(names(demodf)[d],'.csv'),sep='/'))
# # write rdas
save(sig_contrasts.demos, file='./results/emmeans_contrasts.rda')
save(sig_aov_posthoc, file='./results/anova_tukey.rda')


# skip aftercollege bc it causes errors (index 7)
for(question in (question_names[-c(4:6,9:14)])[-7]) {
    # directories
    dir.create(paste('./results', question, sep = '/'), showWarnings = F)
    # data subsetting, PC
    data_subset <- mergeQuestion(df, question)
    data_subset_rows <- data_subset[[1]]
    data_subset <- data_subset[-1]
    data_subset <- data_subset[-1]
    percent <- 0.4
    data_subset <- data_subset[ lapply( data_subset, function(x) sum(x==0) / length(x) ) < percent ]
    pd <- prcomp(data_subset, retx= TRUE, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)

    # merge with demographic cols
    pcs <- data.frame(rownum = data_subset_rows, pd$x[,seq(5)] %>%
    rownums <- pcs$rownum %>% sort
    pcs <- pcs %>% arrange(rownum)
    pcs <- pcs[-1]
    demodfpcs <- bind_cols(df[rownums,c('key',real_demos)], pcs)

    # weighting by # of responses per respondent
    resps_by_key <- demodfpcs$key %>% table %>%
    names(resps_by_key) <- c('key','n')
    resps_by_key %<>% filter(n!=0)
    for(r in seq(nrow(demodfpcs))) {
        nresps <- resps_by_key %>% filter(key == demodfpcs[r,]$key) %>% .$n
        demodfpcs[r, names(select(demodfpcs,matches('PC[12345]')))] <- (1/nresps) *
                                                            (demodfpcs[r, names(select(demodfpcs,matches('PC[12345]')))])
    demodfpcs <- demodfpcs %>% select(-'key')
    demodf <- demodfpcs %>% select(-matches('PC[12345]'))
    pcs <- demodfpcs %>% select(matches('PC[12345]'))

    # manova
    demo_level_nums <- demodf %>% na.omit %>% sapply(function(x)(x %>% table %>% %>% filter(Freq != 0) %>% nrow)) %>%
    demo_level_nums$demo <- rownames(demo_level_nums)
    names(demo_level_nums) <- c('n','demo')
    filter_list <- demo_level_nums %>% filter(n < 2) %>% pull(demo)
    man_demodf <- demodf %>% select(-filter_list)
    man.out <- manova(pcs %>% as.matrix ~ .,
    # write csv
    write.csv(tidy(man.out), paste('./results',question,'manova_table.csv',sep='/'))