Data Collection
General Study Parameters
- Before coming to the University, students may elect to fill out any or all of the online Student Interest Survey (SIS). If they fill out any of the Arts Interest section they will receive an invitation to be in the Arts Engagement Study as the “A” study group (those pre-disposed to arts participation). Another demographically matched group that did not elect to fill out the survey will also be invited, the “B” group. They will fill out surveys (and get gift cards) each of the 4 years they expect to be here, and so individual students’ growth may be tracked as well as group growth over time.
- Only student who are age 18 will receive an invitation in the fall of their freshman year (there is the opportunity to invite students to participate after they age up).
- We have three years of this SIS entrance data to pull current students into the survey over the next year, as well as the class entering this fall (with that class being the first group to be followed in real time through the assessment project) . We can also back fill cohorts with “late” participants, giving them a longer entrance survey to capture data typically collected from earlier in the project.
- It is hoped the study will have 500 participants in each class cohort, based on class entrance year.
- Students will receive a gift card honorarium for every annual survey they complete.