Results from the project have been presented at conferences and convenings. Here are a few:
The Arts Engagement Project: Identifying and Understanding the Impacts of Co-Curricular Arts Engagement on Student Development at the University Level A2RU National Conference Presentation at The University of Kansas, 11/2019
Impacts of the Arts: Tools and Topics for Organizational Sensemaking (pdf)
Text Analysis Across Domains, UC Berkeley Institute for Data Science, 12/2019
Student Impacts of Collegiate Arts Experiences A2RU Webinar: The Arts Engagement Project
Impacts Map Topics concerning the impacts of the arts on student experiences have been integrated with other data as part of a2ru’s map of impacts
From Skills Diversity to Integrative Learning Pathways: The Comparative Advantages of the Arts and Design for Science and Society. Harp, G. (2019, December). In AGU Fall Meeting 2019. AGU.
From Skills Diversity to Integrative Learning Pathways. Harp, G. (2019, December). In College Art Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, 2020. CAA.
Arts Engagement Project Site (2020, December). Gallery of Jupyter Books. Executable Book Project.